Diablo 2 melee assassin build
Diablo 2 melee assassin build

diablo 2 melee assassin build

This time I'm thinking fewer points into Dragon Talon, max venom, max fire blast and death sentry. Combined with a lot of crushing blow gear like g face helm and upped goblin toes, I can melee most bosses in seconds. Max dragon talon and a high level venom give me a serious melee option. Max lightning sentry and death sentry + points into shock web for some beefy traps. I respec'd once I hit hell to play around with a Dragon Talon build. This is a build I have played many times and enjoyed using. From there I put all my points into phoenix strike to pump my thunder claw damage, and give me another option for lightning immunes I sometimes found in hell. I added a few points to burst of speed, death sentry and claw block. In Nightmare I maxed thunder claws and dragon tail.

diablo 2 melee assassin build

Towards the end of normal I unlocked death sentry too. I put one point in every shadow skill besides shadow master and venom. One point into cobra strike asap helped provide much needed mana leech to power the martial arts. Both attacks work well against groups of enemies.

diablo 2 melee assassin build

This provided me with a mix of physical, lightning and fire damage. My main attacks were thunder claws and dragon tail. This is the build I used to get through normal and nightmare. The second was a hybrid build utilizing dragon talon kicks, venom and lightning sentry.īelow is a breakdown of each build. The first build focused on elemental martial arts and dragon tail. I used two different melee assassin builds for my first run through D2R.

Diablo 2 melee assassin build